Rita Dominic stars in new comedy film 'In case of Incasity'

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Rita Dominic stars in New Comedy Film “In case of Incasity”

Rita who looked stunning revealed that this will be the fourth time she will be playing a bride this year!

In Case Of Incasity’ is a comedy about real Nigerians living real lives as immigrants in a foreign society. It is a feel-good movie which exemplifies the indomitable spirit of people in the face of adversity.

The film’s official Instagram took to their page to share these beautiful photos of Rita on set.

Rita Dominic stars in New Comedy Film “In case of Incasity”

Rita Dominic stars in New Comedy Film “In case of Incasity”

Rita Dominic stars in New Comedy Film “In case of Incasity”

Well, she looks so attractive in those wedding clothes.


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