Mayweather Vs Mc Gregor: Mayweather proves himself the defending CHAMPION...

Mayweather, a boxing specialist, someone that was used to been punched and still win faced the fast attacking Mc Gregor, the UFC champion. The two are like the best in their games, only that mc gregor was used to early wins while mayweather was used to late wins... THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN THE TWO 1. Both are fearless of their opponents irrespective of the records he has. 2. Both train very hard 3. Both are the best in their profession 4. Both are money spenders THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TWO 1 . Gregor specialises in UFC, where you are allowed to punch and also do other martial art moves while Mayweather specialises in professional boxing where you can only punch with principles. 2 . Mayweather, as a professional boxer, would have stronger punches than Gregor who doesn't punch alone. 3. Gregor isn't used to been hit as mayweather because he wins his game so quickly that he doesn't received much punch a s maywe...